Warrnambool Art Gallery Foundation

Gift Options

The key role of the Foundation is to raise funds and encourage donations to assist the Gallery in acquiring works of art. The Foundation also aims to broaden the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of art in the community and assists with the Gallery’s education program.

You can make a gift to the Warrnambool Art Gallery through the Foundation in one or a combination of ways.

  • A gift to the Permanent Endowment – a fund which will provide an annual income stream for acquisitions in perpetuity.
  • A gift to the Art Acquisition Fund – a fund which will enable the Gallery to enhance our Permanent Collection. These gifts may be a one-off donation or form part of an annual giving program.
  • A notified bequest to the Warrnambool Art Gallery.
  • Support for the Galleries Education and Outreach Service.


Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible. Donors will be publicly recognised through the WAG Foundation membership at the relevant level of giving. Major gifts will be given accreditation in perpetuity for any works acquired.

Levels of Gift Recognition


Donations to the Foundation are Tax Deductible

Warrnambool Art Gallery Foundation Membership
Download: Membership Application Form

For further information please contact the Warrnambool Art Gallery Foundation or the Warrnambool Art Gallery Director.

Warrnambool Art Gallery Foundation

P.O. Box 5199, Warrnambool, Victoria 3280
Telephone: 03 5559 4949
Web: www.wagf.com.au
Email: info@wagf.com.au


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